Sandpoint Village, Zol, 10th day of Rhaan of the year 998 YK, by the Galifar’s calendar reckoning - Early Autumn
- The village awakes seeing our heroes with different eyes. The heroes receive compliments, toasts, gifts and free services all around the village, due to their participation in the village defense on the day before;
- Because of the troubles she had during the goblin attack, Nit asks her father (with the help of her mother) for fencing lessons;
- Ka’havock sells 30 pairs of goblin ears to Daviren Hosk, from the Goblin Squashed Stables earning 15 gps, while Lorekhs sells a small goblin masterwork spear to Vorvashali Voon from Feathered Serpent after telling the goblin attack story and earns 110 gps;
- Reunited in the Rusty Dragon Tavern, the heroes gain free drinks and meals, and watch – speechless – while Ameiko and her father Lonjiku Kaijitsu discuss and argue in their own language. Eventually, Alderan Foxglove joins the table and gives the heroes 50 gps in retribution for saving his life. Foxglove also hits on Nit in’Cannith, who seems very upset with it (maybe because she doesn’t know it would be a forbidden romance, Nobility vs. a Dragonmarked House). Foxglove invites the heroes for a wild boar hunt in the following days;
- Nit Brings some documents and paperwork, stating that she had/would register the three heroes as an official adventurer’s group called “The Astute,” and need some signatures. Both Lorekhs And Ka’havock sign the papers;
- In the end of the night, Ka’havock – drunker than ever because of the free drinks – finds his way to the Pixie’s Kitten, and Lorekhs is found by Shayliss Vinder, a girl seeking help with an infestation of giant rats in her father’s house basement. Lorekhs follows the girl down to the basement only to find out he was deceived. Shayliss wanted only to be alone with him to throw herself on him, almost naked. While Lorekhs tries to explain to the exited girl that he is married and they should not do this, he finds out that Shayliss is only trying to get her father’s attention. Her father (Ven Vinder) was absent because of his other daughter (Katarine), who was giving him trouble, and had fallen in love with a lumberjack 30 years older than her. Lorekhs finish his night explaining the whole story to Shayliss’ father, and afterwards to his wife, who only laughs at it. Everything ends well.